Breaking the Siege of Gaza: A Fundraiser for the 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Friday, February 23, 6 – 9PM, AT: Peace United Church, 900 High St., Santa Cruz
(doors open at 5:30) Special guest speaker Ann Wright, a former Army Colonel and US Diplomat who resigned her post to protest the Iraq war will present an update on the situation in Gaza and nonviolent resistance to the Israeli blockade. This informative evening features Middle Eastern food and music, a Short Film: Six Miles Out: A Day in the Life of a Gaza Fisherman, and a chance to meet Ann.
Pre-registration requested:Â Â https://gazaflotilla.eventbrite.com
The people of Gaza have suffered long enough. Ann Wright comes to Santa Cruz to share the vision of the 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, sailing this summer with hope, resources and courage.
Ann is a retired US Army colonel who resigned from the US government in 2003 in opposition to the war in Iraq. She’s been on 3 Gaza flotillas, including the most recent 2016 Women’s Boat to Gaza; and she’ll give an update on deteriorating conditions in Gaza and efforts to challenge Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The event is a fundraiser for the 2018 Flotilla, and will include food, music and a chance to meet Ann and other flotilla participants. Celebrate the power of nonviolence and the resolve of peacemakers.
All are welcome: with a sliding scale admission from $15 to $100. No one turned away for lack of funds.
RSVP recommended https://gazaflotilla.eventbrite.com
For information contact David Grishaw-Jones at dgj@peaceunited.org.
To make a contribution : https://2018boatstogaza-nonviolenceinternational.nationbuilder.com
Sponsored by: Peace United Church, Resource Center for Nonviolence, Palestine Justice Coalition, Santa Cruz WILPF, Veterans for Peace, Food Not Bombs, CodePink, Jewish Voice for Peace, United Nations Assoc., Peace and Freedom Party, People United for Peace SC County