Call for Submissions: SC Zine Fest- deadline Oct. 1

Call for Submissions: SC Zine Fest- deadline Oct. 1

If you are interest in applying to table at the zine fest, please read and complete the following form. Deadline for this is October 1st:

Santa Cruz Zine Fest 2019 is happening and EVERYONE is welcome! The date of the event is Saturday, November 16th. Doors will open at 10 am and close at 5 pm. A more detailed schedule with the information of workshops and presentatios will be released later on.

This year, we’ll gather at the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA  for an entire day of ZINES tabling and showcasing, workshops (including one for kids!), presentations, yummy food, music, and an atmosphere of respect, collective work and solidarity. This event will seek to evoke a trend of DIY, all ages, accessible event to promote a more safer and accountable community.

This year, our goal is to highlight the ways that zines have influenced and fueled political struggles and resistance to oppression. Part of the way we wish to accomplish this is by prioritizing marginalized voices, including but not limited to BIPOC, Queer/Trans/Genderqueer/LGBTQ+, and disabled writers and artists. The focus will be on showcasing zines that explore the themes of resistance, political struggle, liberation, and oppression on the grand political scale, in local communities, and in personal lived experiences.

FREE. Donations at the door will be very much appreciated. People of all ages are encouraged to come. There will be accessibility accommodations, but please let us know if there’s anything in particular that we can do to ensure you the best experience.

There will be parking space available at the side of the building.

If you are interest in applying to table at the zine fest, please read and complete the following form. Deadline for this is October 1st:

Questions or commens, please contact us at 


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