Tatanka’s Living Room:
“The Boys Who Said No” – rough film cut, and featuring the film producer, C. Colorado Jones
Saturday, October 28, 7pm
AT: Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St. Santa Cruz.
Free. Donations to support the film will be requested.
Arrive 6:30-ish for music by Tatanka Bricca. At 7PM, then view a Rough Cut of what may be one of the most important movies in the USA and World, in our Lives, moving forward as a People in Santa Cruz, Nationally & Globally– “The Boys Who Said No”.
This one-night-only Tatanka’s Living Room will be spent with film producer, and fellow draft resister, Christopher Colorado Jones. He will show scenes from his up-coming movie, “The Boys Who Said No,” what will be an historic documentary film of Vietnam-war draft resisters and the nonviolent peace movement of which it was a part. I was one of those draft resisters—
View together a never-before seen, most-important part of our history as a people. This is the last opportunity before final editing and getting it to Sundance Film Festival.
Tatanka believes it will receive an Academy Award nomination. The director of photography, Judith Erlich, was DP (Director of Photography) for the Academy-Award-winning film “The Most Dangerous Man in America”, the documentary on the life of Pentagon Papers truth-telling whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.
The footage we will witness this Saturday night includes historic footage of Martin Luther King at Santa Rita Prison. This was in the last year of King’s life.
It includes footage of Joan Baez and resistance co-founder, David Harris. It includes a segment of David Harris and Mark Rudd (SDS) in conversation today about reflections of the sixties.
Please come, bring some special friends, this event is free—not a potluck, arrive before 7pm to hang out with friends. We will spend a couple hours together with filmmaker Christopher Jones, who is in the film, who did time in jail. Feel free to mingle afterwards with those present, including the filmmaker, to talk and share experience, strength & hope.
You will leave inspired to continue your personal contribution to evolving our community beyond the present crisis of violence and leadership in the USA.
“The Boys Who Said No”, a rallying cry iconic poster of the Baez girls with the phrase “Girls say yes to Boys who Say No,” will be showing one night only. Over $300,000 has been raised and spent to make this movie—they are raising the final portion of $30,000 to send it to Sundance. A donation of any amount, small or large, is most welcome.
Most importantly, come share fellowship and bear witness to the enduring power of organized nonviolence in action!
More information: Tatanka Bricca, cbricca@mac.com
Co-sponsored by the Resource Center for Nonviolence