PALESTINE presentation by CPT- Christian Peacemaker Team member

PALESTINE presentation by CPT- Christian Peacemaker Team member


Mar 13, 2019    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Resource Center for Nonviolence
612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95060

Event Type

PALESTINE presentation & video by CPT- Christian Peacemaker Team member

CPT Volunteer Christopher L.B. will  share his experience documenting in Hebron and elsewhere in Palestine documenting the Israeli human rights abuses of Palestinians.

On Wednesday evening, March 13th, 7:00pm, RCNV is sponsoring a presentation by CPT (Christian Peacemaker Team)  member, Christopher, about his recent time in the West Bank, Palestine, documenting the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) violence against the Palestinians in the villages near Hebron.  This is an update for those who have visited Palestine in the past, and a vivid presentation of current policy and practice by the Israeli Occupation forces. for those who have never witness this first hand.

The event is free. Donations to help with Christopher’s expenses and the use of RCNV will be welcome.  The event will take place in Scott Kennedy Hall, Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz.