Sunday, October 21: The Great Book Robbery Film by Benny Brunner.
AT the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz:
6PM Potluck & 6:30 film.
Join us Sunday, October 21st, 6 PM at the Resource Center for Nonviolence Community Room for a potluck and screening of “The Great Book Robbery,” a film by Benny Brunner. Bring a dish if you can and we will share food at 6 before the film begins at 6:30 PM.
The Great Book Robbery chronicles the story of 70,000 Palestinian books that were looted by the newly created State of Israel in 1948. Interviews center on eyewitness accounts and cultural critiques that place the book theft within a larger historical-cultural context. In this process, new light is shed on the Palestinian tragedy of 1948 and the moralistic-heroic Israeli narrative of the 1948 was is deconstructed.
This film is presented alongside the exhibition, Librarians and Archivists with Palestine (Sept 7th – Oct 25)