What’s Happening in Syria?

What's Happening in Syria?

We hear disturbing news about Syria almost everyday, yet the situation is so complex that many of us comprehend little of what we hear. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN SYRIA? is an informative, cultural/educational event taking place on Saturday, October 6 from 7-9 at the Resource Center for Nonviolence. Sponsored by the Muslim Solidarity Group of Sanctuary Santa Cruz, the program offers our community an opportunity to gain insight into the complex conflict in Syria and to learn about U.S. government involvement. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN SYRIA? is a multifaceted program, educating through theater, eyewitness accounts of the history and background of the war, testimonies of local Syrian immigrants, and the sharing of strategies for advocacy. The evening will culminate with conversation and connection over Middle Eastern tea and pastries. Requested donation for What is Happening in Syria on October 6 is 5- $20 and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. For information, email escuelita@baymoon.com.

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