ENTRY DEADLINE/ Submissions due: MONDAY, June 18, by the end of the day.
Artists Respond and Resist Together (ARRT)
– The ARRT of HOPE –
The Resource Center for Nonviolence (RCNV) is collaborating with Artists Respond and Resist Together (ARRT) for the second annual juried exhibit at RCNV, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
THEME: The ARRT of HOPE – exploring the power of Art in helping us remain hopeful during these challenging times. We are looking for submissions that express artistically those things that are most precious to us, the things we want to SAVE (to save: to keep safe or rescue someone or
something from harm or danger).
Possibilities might include:
The Landscape – nature, ecology and climate change
The Community – humanity, family, etc
Civil rights – equality, immigration, DACA
Resistance – the NEVER AGAIN youth movement, #MeToo movement, the Sanctuary movement
The Arts in general
Freedom of Expression – the press, speech, etc.
Humor is welcome!
• Entry DEADLINE/ Submissions Due: Monday, June 18, 2018
• Notifications by Sunday, July 1
• Art DROP OFF: Tuesday, July 10, between Noon to 4:00, to RCNV, 612
Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
• EXHIBITION DATES: July 14 – August 29, 2018
• RECEPTIONS: First Friday August 3, 6:00-9:00 & RCNV John Keith Solar Project Celebration, Sunday, July 29, 2pm
• Art PICKUP: Thursday, August 30, Noon – 4:00
• This juried show is open to ARRT members. To join ARRT (free), contact
Karen Gallant: gallantnet@gmail.com
Please pass this Call for Entries on to others who may be interested.
• Email up to 4 jpegs of original work: 1920 pixels on the longest side@72 dpi. Include Title, Medium, Size and Price (if for sale) to ARRTexhibit@gmail.com
• Fees: $25.00 for up to 4 entries. Non-Refundable (students exempt/free).
Send checks payable to Resource Center for Nonviolence, Note in memo: ARRT exhibit.
• Sales: will be handled by the artists and will include a 15% commission.
• Receptions: Artists may bring a limited number of cards/reproductions to sell at the First Friday reception. 15% commission to RCNV. Please bring finger food to the FF reception.
• Installation: Work must be ready to hang with wire only, no sawtooth hangers, etc. The Committee reserves the right to exclude work that is not deemed ready to hang with the cable system.
• Selection: The majority of artwork accepted will be 2D, hung on the wall using a cable system. Depending on space, a very limited number of 3D works may be considered (artist must provide a conventional pedestal).
• Size and weight may be a consideration. Work requiring special handling is to be installed & removed by the artist.
• Resource Center for Nonviolence Hours: Monday- Thursday, 12:00 – 4:00PM. Hours may be extended to include Saturdays, 1-4 if ARRT members volunteer for Gallery Sitting.
• QUESTIONS? anita@rcnv.org, 831-423-1626.
The Resource Center for Nonviolence, founded in 1976, is a peace and justice organization promoting the practice of nonviolent social change. Their primary mission is to support the growth of nonviolent activists.
The mission of ARRT states: “We are an affiliation of artists joined together by our shared belief in the power of art to effect social change and protect democratic values. Our creative skills support progressive social
actions in our local community and beyond.”
Artists are encouraged to submit work that is in the spirit nonviolence.
Resource Center for Nonviolence
612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.423.1626