Tickets NOW available for legendary Folk Musician JOHN McCUTCHEON- in concert, Tuesday, January 21, 7:30pm at the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz.
NOTE: RCNV will still receive some $, so please buy your tickets today! We want a big crowd to welcome John back to Santa Cruz.
This year Community Music School is taking the lead in bringing John McCutcheon to Santa Cruz. Proceeds from the concert and silent auction will benefit Community Music School’s youth programs. Please support CMS and RCNV by attending this concert, and tell your friends.
Tickets ADVANCE: $30/general admission, $20/for 18 and under. (DOOR tix: $35/$25 respectively.) Proceeds benefit Community Music School’s youth programs. Buy TIX. Doors open 7:oo or when sound check is complete.
Want paper tickets? Buy them at RCNV M-TH, Noon -4PM.
Buy Tickets NOW.
Free tickets to volunteers who assist at the concert. Contact CMS- info@communitymusicschool.org We need volunteers to help with taking tickets, selling merchandise and concessions, ushering, and parking, Volunteers will help Community Music School, and see the concert for free. More info: info@communitymusicschool.org
More about Community Music School.
John McCutcheon has emerged as one of our most respected and loved folksingers. As an instrumentalist, he is a master of a dozen different traditional instruments, most notably the rare and beautiful hammer dulcimer. His songwriting has been hailed by critics and singers around the globe. His thirty recordings have garnered every imaginable honor including seven Grammy nominations. He has produced over twenty albums of other artists, from traditional fiddlers to contemporary singer-songwriters to educational and documentary works. His books and instructional materials have introduced budding players to the joys of their own musicality. And his commitment to grassroots political organizations has put him on the front lines of many of the issues important to communities and workers.
Join us for a wonderful evening of music and stories with the legendary John McCutcheon. Proceeds from the concert (and on-site silent auction) will benefit Community Music School’s youth programs.
“John McCutcheon is not only one of the best musicians in the USA, but also a great singer, songwriter, and song leader. And not just incidentally, he is committed to helping hard-working people everywhere to organize and push this world in a better direction.”
— Pete Seeger
“The most impressive instrumentalist I’ve ever heard.”
— Johnny Cash
“He has an uncanny ability to breathe new life into the familiar. His storytelling has the richness of fine literature.”
— Washington Post