Oct. 5, 12, 26, Nov. 2: Resist and Reflect- Strategic Nonviolent Action Study Circle


Oct 5, 2017    
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Resource Center for Nonviolence
612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95060

Event Type

Resist and Reflect—Strategic Nonviolent Action Study Circle

October 5, 12 26, Nov. 2, 6:30-8:30PM at RCNV, 612 Ocean St., SC

Attend one night or all evenings… Readings are suggested but not required- please join us for discussion even if you haven’t read them…. A participatory evening – Bring your questions and insights into a community-building circle to sustain our social change work.

Thursday Study Circle Oct. 5, 12, 26, Nov. 2 in the RCNV Community Room, RCNV, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. Led by Peter Klotz-Chamberlin. Donation: $10-$20 for the series, no one excluded for lack of funds.

THEME: October 5:  “Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution by Andrew Boyd and Dave Oswald Mitchell. Look in these sections: Tactics and Case Studies for examples; Principles for things to think about in planning an action.  Read titles that intrigue you.  We will do some reading together Thursday evening.  The main goal is to stimulate our imaginations with examples of nonviolent action from this book, or others you know of.

Snacks and Conversation drawing from short readings in
“Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution” by Andrew Boyd and Dave Oswald Mitchell
“The Nonviolence Handbook: A Guide for Practical Action” by Michael Nagler
“Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns” by War Resisters’ International, including
“What is Nonviolence and Why Use it?” by Joanne Sheehan
Topics will include: “Action Logic,” “Pillars of Support and Strategic Goals,” “Personal Preparation,” “Action vs. Campaign,” “Who are we addressing with our action?” and topics suggested by group members.


October 5:  “Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution by Andrew Boyd and Dave Oswald Mitchell. Look in these sections: Tactics and Case Studies for examples; Principles for things to think about in planning an action.  Read titles that intrigue you.  We will do some reading together Thursday evening.  The main goal is to stimulate our imaginations with examples of nonviolent action from this book, or others you know of.

Sept. 28: What is Nonviolence and Why Use it?  By Joanne Sheehan

3. What is Nonviolence by Peter Klotz-Chamberlin

Excerpts from these books will be copied; the books are also available for sale from RCNV. Donation: $10-$20 for the series, no one excluded for lack of funds.

Peter Klotz-Chamberlin is a program coordinator and co-founder of the Resource Center for Nonviolence. Peter has experience with civil disobedience, solidarity work, campaign-organizing, relationship building across differences, action training, multi-faith dialogue, and networking locally and nationally for nonviolent social change.

Contact Peter at 831-251-4833 or RCNV at 831-423-1626 for more information.

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