A response to Robin Kopit’s Sentinel Editorial by Scott Kennedy and Peter Klotz-Chamberlin

Please see the link below Peter Klotz-Chamberlin’s letter to the editor for a detailed response prepared by Scott Kennedy to Robin Kopit’s guest commentary in the Santa Cruz Sentinel on April 17th.  The link is highlighted in blue and is a downloadable PDF.


Dear Editor:

The Resource Center for Nonviolence encourages nonviolent means of addressing conflicts locally and internationally. We seek change in our nation’s reliance on military solutions to international and national problems.  We support free speech, public debate, and nonviolent action for the dignity of all people.

We welcome direct meetings with people who hold different views than those expressed by our staff, volunteers, or featured speakers.

I invite those who hold different views, including Robin Kopit, whose criticisms were printed 4/17/11 in the Sentinel, or those who are interested in learning more about our work and perspectives, to meet with members of the RCNV staff and Steering Committee to discuss core issues face-to-face, in public or in private. Please contact us at 831.423.1626 to set up a meeting. For a detailed response to Robin Kopit’s commentary  please see www.rcnv.org.

Peter Klotz-Chamberlin, Co-founder and Steering Committee chair, Resource Center for Nonviolence


Below is  a downloadable link to a PDF document by Scott Kennedy that line by line, paragraph by paragraph examines and refutes the claims Robin Kopit made in his guest commentary in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.


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