Blow the Whistle on Drones Vigil

Friday June 7th, 5-6PM
Pacific Ave. and Cooper St.,
downtown Santa Cruz, in front of O’Neill’s surfshop
No-Drones Santa Cruz joins: Women in Black SC, CodePink SC, People United for Peace, the Peace and Freedom Party SC, and the Resource Center for Nonviolence.
Stand with Us on June 7th and Blow the Whistle on Drones!
We have individual placards with the names of over 150 of the children who have been killed by US drone attacks, and many other signs to share!
Since Barack Obama took office, thousands of civilians have died as the innocent victims of US drone attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia – well more more than half of these have been children. Are the lives of Arab children, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandfathers, grandmothers…. expendable, not to be counted? Since the beginning of the use of weaponized drones in those countries that many more innocent people are dying than “suspected terrorists” – yet the attacks go on each week under the direction of the President, and the people continue to die.
Click to see more info on Bradley Manning
Click to see info on U.S. drones in Afghanistan