Monday June 8: Can Obama Save the Two State Solution?

Title: Can Obama Save the Two State Solution?
Location: Veteran’s Hall, 842 Front St., Santa Cruz
Description: Monday, June 8, 8:00p.m. Nadia Hijab is Senior Fellow at the Institute for Palestine. The Institute is an independent non-profit research organization whose flagship Journal of Palestine Studies, co-published with the University of California Press, is a leading resource on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Hijab is a frequent commentator on the media, including BBC World, and has appeared on the Lehrer News hour. She is a regular public speaker and was recently the 2007 George F. Kennan co-panelist at the Wisconsin Institute for World Affairs. Hijab’s first book, “Womanpower: The Arab debate on women at work” (1988) was published by Cambridge University Press. She co-authored “Citizens Apart: A Portrait of Palestinians in Israel” (I. B. Tauris 1990).
She was Editor-in-Chief of the London-based Middle East magazine before moving to New York in 1989 to join the United Nations, where she served as a senior development officer. She resigned from the UN in 2000 to establish her own consulting business on human rights, human development, and gender, Development Analysis and Communication Services. She has served as co-chair of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and is a past president of the Association of Arab American University Graduates.
Suggested donation $10-25 sliding scale (no one turned away for lack of funds). For more information, call 423-1626.
Start Time: 8:00p.m.
Date: 2009-06-08

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