Follow the Money: Who profits from Apartheid? with Dr. Dalit Baum
Tuesday April 12, 7:30 p.m.
Live Oak Grange
1900 17th Avenue, Santa Cruz
Dalit Baum, Ph.D., is the founder of “Who Profits from the Occupation”, an activist research initiative of the Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel (www.whoprofits.org).
During the last four years, “Who Profits” has become a vital resource for dozens of campaigns around the world, providing information about corporate complicity in the occupation of Palestine.
Dalit is a feminist scholar and teacher in Israel at Haifa University and the Beit Berl College. She teaches about militarism and about the global economy from a feminist perspectiv. This year Dr. Baum is visiting the U.S. as an activist in residence with Global Exchange, directing a new program titled Economic Activism for Palestine, which aims to support existing divestment campaigns in the U.S. as well as help new ones through education, training, networking and the development of dedicated tools. For more information on this economic activism project, visit http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/economicactivism.html
Dr. Baum’s presentation will include examination of the corporate involvement in the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and economic activist strategies to end the occupation, including the movement for boycotts, sanctions and economic divestment. A suggested of $8 – $20 donation (sliding-scale) is suggested. Co-sponsored by the Palestine Israel Action Committee. For more information 831.423.1626 or www.rcnv.org.