Title: Militarization and Resistance in Honduras – An Eye-witness Account
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 7:30p.m.
At the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway (near Ocean St.)
Link out: Click here
Patty Adams is one of two US citizens working with the DC-based Quixote Center and the Hemispheric Social Alliance to coordinate a permanent international presence in post-coup Honduras. Since the June 28 coup, civil society resistance has been vibrant, nonviolent, and tenaciously persistent, even in the face of violent repression. Come hear Patty speak about life under the Honduran coup regime, the goals of the grassroots social movements, and what U.S. citizens and other internationals can do to support Hondurans’ struggle for democracy. The event is free; donations accepted.
Co-sponsored by IF, Resource Center for Nonviolence, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Santa Cruz Cuba Caravan, Redwood Nonviolence Community
Information: 831.426.6537.
Patty Adams has over a decade of involvement in nonviolent direct action and global justice activism/campaigns, including 8 years in Central America where she coordinated dozens of international delegations. She is an experienced nonviolence trainer, and she has worked in trauma healing and transformation.
The Honduras Accompaniment Project was organized in response to the call from popular movement groups in Honduras, especially the National Front of Resistance to the Coup (El Frente), for ongoing presence, support, accompaniment, and information gathering and dissemination. Her visit to Santa Cruz will come on the heels of leading the seventh post-coup international delegation to Honduras. Additional delegations are being planned for late October and beyond. These delegations have accompanied marches in an attempt to diminish the risk of violence, documented violent repression of popular protests throughout the country, used that documentation in advocacy work with national and international power-holders to hold them accountable, and shared information with the public at large to overcome the media blackout on the protests and on the severity of the ongoing political crisis in Honduras. Some additional work that is emerging in response to social movement appeals includes providing resources, training and support in active nonviolence and its applications in Honduras.