Wednesday, January 14, 2015: JOHN McCUTCHEON Benefit Concert for RCNV- Don’t miss this community celebration!

John_McSave the Date:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 7:30p.m.



at the Resource Center for Nonviolence

612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz

TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR: $20-35 suggested sliding scale donation. Cash or checks preferred. Doors open at around 7:00p.m. or whenever John finishes his sound check.

Join us for a rousing concert with John McCutcheon! This year, John has generously agreed to donate his time. We want the biggest crowd ever for this musical celebration. Please help us to spread the word far and wide!

We’re counting on you!  Buy Lots of tickets and invite your friends! This is one of our biggest fundraisers, and part of our January series Celebrating Compassion & Courage: In the spirit of MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. John is generously donating his time this year! Enjoy a great concert and support RCNV at the same time. 

In ’22 Days,’  John McCutcheon wanted to honor his friend Vedran Smailovic, the “Cellist of Sarajevo,” who chose to respond to violence and ugliness with a counterintuitive act of beauty, echoing a 1958 quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Don’t ever let anyone pull you so low as to hate them. We must use the weapon of love.”  “22 Days” highlights courage, current events and love. “Forgotten” is inspired by Malala Yousafzai, targeted by the Taliban for her support of education for girls in Pakistan.

* Stunning instrumental skills  * Insightful and incredibly entertaining     * Subtly seductive storytelling

“The most impressive instrumentalist I’ve ever heard.” – Johnny Cash

For more information about John McCutcheon:

John McCutcheon’s eclectic catalog of ballads, historical songs, children’s songs, love songs, topical satire, fiddle and hammer dulcimer instruments, and even symphonic works are among the broadest in American folk music. His thirty-six albums have earned 6 Grammy nominations. His songwriting has been hailed by critics around the world; his song Christmas in the Trenches is considered a classic and was recently named one of the 100 Essential Folk Songs.  John McCutcheon is an American folk music singer and multi-instrumentalist who has produced 36 albums since the 1970s.  He is regarded as a master of the hammered dulcimer, and is also proficient on many other instruments including guitarbanjoautoharpmountain dulcimerfiddle, and jawharp

 “John McCutcheon is not only one of the best musicians in the USA, but also a great singer, songwriter, and song leader. And not just incidentally, he is committed to helping hard-working people everywhere to organize and push this world in a better direction.”  — Pete Seeger