Statement of Solidarity: Protecting Innocent Lives in the Israeli-Hamas Conflict

In these turbulent times, the Resource Center for Nonviolence (RCNV) stands in unwavering solidarity with the innocent lives profoundly impacted by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the families who have experienced unimaginable loss and suffering, irrespective of their background or affiliation.

At the heart of our commitment lies the unwavering dedication to protecting innocent lives and upholding the fundamental principles of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As Dr. King profoundly asserted, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” This wisdom remains the guiding light of our actions and mission.

We unequivocally condemn the October 7th attack by Hamas on Israeli communities and the disproportionate violence suffered by innocent Palestinian families in recent events in Gaza. This cycle of violence perpetuates a dangerous logic that only begets further harm. Our mission is resolute: to break this destructive cycle.

RCNV is resolutely committed to fostering a profound understanding of the historical context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We firmly believe that violence only begets more violence, and we are determined not to succumb to the logic of violence that continues to divide and divert us from our shared human identity. In this spirit, we stand with Palestinians, Israelis, and all those who ardently pursue peace and justice, acknowledging their equal rights to self-governance and shared rights, unequivocally opposing occupation.

The RCNV calls to action includes:ย 

  • Urgent Call for an Immediate Ceasefire: We demand the immediate implementation of a ceasefire, in line with the UN Secretary General’s urgent plea. We must ensure the swift dispatch of humanitarian aid to support affected Israelis and Palestinians.
  • Stand Together Against Violence: We unequivocally condemn all acts of violence and hostage-taking by any party. Such actions are not the answer and have no justification. The temptation to purify through force is a false path, leading to suffering and tragedy. Recognize that violence often arises from moral indifference. The United States cannot afford to be indifferent to the pain and violence. We should not seek justification through the law. It begins when we turn a blind eye to oppression and suffering. Take a moment to examine your own indifference to injustice. We must never be indifferent to the loss of life, no matter the group affected.
  • Championing International Laws of War: We stand firm in our advocacy for adherence to international laws of war, as they are the bedrock of a just and peaceful world.
  • Defy Oppression with Conviction: Let us steadfastly maintain our hope, amplify our voices against all forms of oppression, while ardently championing justice, the Beloved Community, and inclusivity. If we never lose our sense of hope, we never lose sight of peace.ย 

We firmly believe that through empathy, understanding, and unity, we can collectively make a difference and create a world where all lives are valued, protected, and allowed to thrive. This is our mission, our North Star, and our commitment.

In solidarity and with hope,

Resource Center for Nonviolence

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