USA/ Cuba Update: Changes in Cuba’s economy – abandoning or updating socialism? Changes in US Cuba policy – positive steps or more subtle aggression?
Friday, April 29, 7:00p.m.
RCNV, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz
A presentation by John Waller.
John Waller is the national coordinator of the annual Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba, a yearly act of civil disobedience against the economic blockade that the US government maintains against the small island nation. Through its people-to- people diplomacy and humanitarian aid caravan, Pastors for Peace creates a better understanding of Cuba and its policies for US citizens. John will speak about changes in the Cuban Economy, changes in US foreign policy to Cuba, and update us about the upcoming 2011 caravan scheduled for this July.
$5-20 suggested sliding scale.
Proceeds will be sent to IFCO/Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba. To make donations to support the Cuba Caravan/ IFCO/Pastors for Peace, go toย http://www.ifconews.org/