Rugs from the Zapotec Women Weavers Coop are here from Oaxaca!



Come to an exhibition and sale of weavings and rugs with a cultural exchange, folklorico and winter-cozy snacks. No charge – Come for fun, buy if you wish. The Coop’s director, Pastora Gutierra, is here with her translator to share about life in Oaxaca.

Sunday, November 14, 4:00  to 6:30 p.m.
Quaker Meeting House
225 Rooney St
(off Hiway One at Morrisey)
Santa Cruz

The rugs are woven from wool spun and dyed by hand using natural dyes made from herbs, bark, seeds and insects. The women are single, widows, mothers,  and elders who are the support of their families. They sell directly to the buyer in spite of harassment from  middle-men in the weaving community.  Each rug has a story that reflects the women’s pride in their personal and collective strength and power. The rugs are priced at $100 to $300.

Sponsored by the Santa Cruz Friends Meeting, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Fellowship and the Resource Center for Nonviolence. 

Contact: Barbara 831-423-1626 X105