An Evening with JOAN BAEZ – Benefit Concert – Friday, May 9, 2014

JoanBaez_Med.EmailThe Joan Baez Benefit Concert for the Resource Center for Nonviolence Building for the Future Campaign, on Friday, May 9, at the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz, is nearly sold out. There are no more tickets available through Ticketweb, the Rio Theatre or Tomboy.

RCNV has begun a Waiting List for a very limited number of Sponsorship seats (Sliding Scale  $100 per ticket up to $10,000 or more  Sponsor donation) available only through RCNV. Please be as generous as possible.  We cannot promise that being on the Waiting List will result in tickets.  Contact us

We had no idea the concert tickets would go so quickly! Thank you for your support!

An Evening with JOAN BAEZ

Friday, May 9, 2014

Rio Theatre

1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz,

8:00pm Concert  

(Doors open 7:00pm)

BENEFIT CONCERT for the Resource Center for Nonviolence Building for the Future Campaign

Joan Baez will perform a rare Benefit Concert to support RCNV’s Building for the Future campaign. This benefit is the public launch of our community campaign to fund the renovation of our 50-year old building. We invite you to join us for the concert and to consider sponsorship.

We ask for your support of this campaign in addition to your regular financial support of Resource Center for Nonviolence programs. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you for your support!

Click for a brief Letter about the concert and campaign

Click for information about  Joan Baez’ Long History with RCNV.

TICKETS: The concert is nearly sold out. There are no more tickets available through Ticketweb, the Rio Theatre or Tomboy. 


RCNV has begun a Waiting List for a very limited number of Sponsorship seats (Sliding Scale  $100 per ticket up to  $10,000 or more  Sponsor donation) available only through RCNV.   There are only a very limited number of these seats available. We cannot promise that being on the Waiting List will result in tickets.  Contact us for more information about sponsorship.

Solidarity Sponsor:  $1,000 – $10,000:   includes two Reserved Seat Concert Tickets, two Reserved seats for the Scott Kennedy Hall Dedication on Saturday, May 10 (details soon), listing in Concert and Dedication Programs, and Permanent Naming Recognition at the Resource Center for Nonviolence

Soul Force Sponsor:  $500 – $999: includes two Reserved Seat Concert Tickets, two Reserved seats for the Scott Kennedy Hall Dedication on Saturday, May 10 (details soon), listing in Concert Program
Stakeholder Sponsor:  $100 – $499:
includes Reserved Seat Concert Ticket, and listing in Concert Program
I can’t attend: here is a donation to support the Resource Center for NonviolenceBuilding for the Future Campaign

For more information: 831.423-1626