We are so sad at the death of our dear friend and collaborator, a lifelong war resister, Christopher Colorado Jones. Christopher Jones, Presente!
Christopher Colorado Jones
January 12, 1949 – June 29, 2019

Christopher was the producer of the film The Boys Who Said No! that is nearing completion. Christopher initiated the film in 2013 to capture the amazing stories of draft resisters and has been heartened to see the relevance today of their nonviolent victories. Christopher refused to register for the draft in 1967 and was sentenced to a year in Safford Federal Prison. There, he managed to smuggle in a Super 8 movie camera to make a film about being in prison, segments of which appear in this film. Christopher was the founding director of Agape Foundation: Fund for Nonviolent Social Change for seven years, after which he earned a Masters in Social Welfare and Public Health from UC Berkeley. While employed by the State of Washington and King County, he helped increase access to preventive public health services and community health care by poor people and HIV/AIDS clients. The Resource Center for Nonviolence is the fiscal sponsor of The Boys Who Said No! Donate to complete the film.
The memorial service for Christopher Jones will be held Saturday, July 27 at 3:00 pm at 151 Potrero Avenue in San Francisco.
The reception will be a light potluck, and please bring what you would like to drink. There are two microwaves but no oven. Contact Bill for more information about the memorial.
From Bill Prince, Christopher’s partner:
My beloved Christopher, light of my life, fell from a ladder Friday, June 28 and died of the resulting head injuries the following afternoon. We were seven together who heard the doctor deliver the terrible news, then ten around his bedside the next day when he breathed his last. I am heartbroken.
Now that he’s gone, me and those lonesome blues collide.
My old man he’s a singer in the park,
he’s a walker in the rain,
he’s a dancer in the dark.
We don’t need no piece of paper from the city hall
keeping us tied and true no,
my old man, keeping away my blues.
But when he’s gone
Me and them lonesome blues collide.
The bed’s too big,
the frying pan’s too wide.
He’s my sunshine in the morning
He’s my fireworks at the end of the day
He’s the warmest chord I ever heard
Play that warm chord, play and stay baby
We don’t need no piece of paper from the city hall
Keeping us tied and true, my old man
Keeping away my blues
Much love and sorrow for all, Bill