Oct. 14- “The Will to Resist” Benefit for GI Rights Hotline

Wednesday, October 14, 7:00p.m.
Veteran’s Memorial Hall
846 Front St., Santa Cruz

— Benefit for the Santa Cruz GI Rights Hotline Group — “The Will to Resist” with  Dahr Jamail, Ryan Souza and Matt Edwards

Book signing for  “The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight
in Iraq and Afghanistan.” Dahr Jamail, an award-winning, unembedded journalist and author, tells the hidden story of American soldiers turning against military occupation in his latest book: “The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Go to Iraq and Afghanistan.” Dahr Jamail’s comprehensive study of today’s military resisters sheds new light on the contours of dissent within the ranks of the world’s most powerful military.

Ryan Souza, Farmer Veteran Coalition- former air force jet mechanic, refused promotion to sergeant and became a conscientious objector, discharged 2009.

Matt Edwards, Conscientious Objector, former Marine and an organizer for IVAW Bay Area, will speak about Dialogues Against Militarism, a program to bring together war resisters from militaries around the world. Matt was learning Arabic in  Syria during the initial Shock and Awe campaign and experienced the wrenching impact of the refugee movement from Iraq and other dislocations of war. Matt was involved with Students Against War at UC Santa Cruz, especially in the campaign to get military recruiters off campus.

Suggested sliding scale donation $10- $50.00. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Co-sponsors: Resource Center for Nonviolence, TIRN, SC GI Rights Hotline, Courage to Resist, PIAC (Palestine Israel Action Committee)

For more information, call 427-2771, dorahbee@comcast.net or www.rcnv.org

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