Sept. 10, 17, 24: Jesus and Nonviolence

Thursday evenings, Sept. 10, 17 and 24
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., upstairs at the
Resource Center for Nonviolence

David Grishaw-Jones, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz gives an excellent perspective on the counter-culture, radical contribution of Jesus to social change for justice, peace and human rights.Jesus was an inspiration to Cesar Chavez, Dorothy Day, Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and many other key figures in nonviolent movements for social change. But the life and teachings of Jesus are seldom examined outside of a church context, perhaps because of the theological overlay or the hypocrisy of the church that so often contradicts what we understand to be the values, goals and practice of nonviolence.

This study group is intended for the “unChurched,” for non-Christians and secular people as well as Christians who haven’t studied, or would benefit from a refresher course, on the tremendous impact that the life and teachings of Jesus have had on the understanding and practice of active nonviolence. David Grishaw-Jones, pastor of the First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz, will lead this three-week study group. Readings of biblical texts and the perspective of scholars and activists through video presentations will augment discussion. A sliding-scale donation of $15 – $25 is suggested for the series (no one turned away for lack of funds) and includes written materials and supports RCNV’s study series. Preregistration recommended. Contact RCNV at 831-423-1626 or Scott at 831-457-8003.

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