FRIDAY, APR. 18, 7:30P.M., RCNV: No US Military Bases for Empire! Andrea Licata speaks!

FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 7:30P.M., Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz.  Andrea Licata will speak on The Cost of US Militarism on Civilian Communities Around the World and the potential to convert these implements of war into peaceful civilian usage. The United States maintains over 737 recognized military bases as well as hundreds of secret installations in 137 countries around the world. These bases directly threaten local communities and cause geopolitical destabilization. Hear Andrea Licata (from Italy) who has been fighting a US base expansion in Italy and Sabina Perez (Guam and Bay Area) a key organizer of Famoksaiyan fighting for cultural survival and against US military buildup in Guam.

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