MAY 19: Press conference: Halt Cuts to Education and Social Services!

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Title: Press conference: Halt Cuts to Education and Social Services!

Location: Bay Tree Bookstore, UCSC. Date: Thursday, May 19, 12:00 noon

Description: Please join us for a press event at UC Santa Cruz on Thursday, May 19th at noon at the Bay Tree Bookstore.

This is one of dozens events that have been coordinated across the state over the last several weeks calling for an extension of current state revenues and a halt to further cuts to education and social services. The State has already made close to $13 billion in cuts, and if state legislators do not move to extend current revenues the state would have to cut an addition $13 billion.

In addition to the press event we will have laptops available to send a message directly to your legislator calling for an end to cuts to education. Feel free to contact Jared Rivera with any questions at

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