RCNV Library
The RCNV Library holds 1500 books on many themes of nonviolence, social criticism, feminism, spirituality, socialism, anarchism, the Middle East, environmentalism, anti-war, anti-nuclear, key leaders and authors. Some titles are in Spanish. The library includes:
Roy Kepler Library on Nonviolence and Social Change, donated by the Kepler family, and Ira Sandperl and Joan Baez of the Institute for the Study of Nonviolence, in 1978. Roy Kepler was a World War II draft resister, co-founder of War Resisters League West, and founder of Kepler’s Books, still a vibrant independent bookstore in Menlo Park.
100 Books, pamphlets, and collections of hundreds more articles by Mohandas K. Gandhi — the largest collection on the West Coast — included in the Kepler collection
Garland Library of War and Peace, 286 bound volumes, included in the Kepler collection
Scott Kennedy collection donated by Kris, Ben, Megan, and Peter Kennedy
Bob Fitch collection donated by Bob Fitch
Many books by and about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Volumes on the political science of nonviolence by Gene Sharp
Books by Thomas Merton and by William Stringfellow
Contemporary books on antiracism and nonviolent social change.
Contact tom@rcnv.org for more information and to view any books in our library. Library catalog can be found below.

From the left: nonviolence historian Robert Cooney, in back RCNV co-founder Scott Kennedy, in front, Roy Kepler descendants, next right Modesto Peace Life Center founder Sam Tyson, library co-founder Ira Sandperl