Promo image for Truth + Justice=Hope California Ocean & Climate Justice Summit

TRUTH + JUSTICE = HOPE, A California Ocean & Climate Justice Summit on June 10, 2021

The June 10th California Ocean & Climate Justice Summit amplified stories and solutions from the BIPOC environmental justice leaders who participated in a spring mini-fellowship hosted by the Resource Center for Nonviolence and Save Our Shores. Please join us in supporting these emerging leaders in their efforts to inspire California to recognize how its diverse population, cultural influence, vast wealth, and startup mindset can be essential …

TRUTH + JUSTICE = HOPE, A California Ocean & Climate Justice Summit on June 10, 2021 Read More »

Letter to the Editor printed in the Santa Cruz Sentinel 5/29/21:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not end until Israelis stop taking Palestinian homes and land. This war started when Israeli settlers moved to force Palestinian families out of homes they had lived in for generations. Israel has been confiscating land and destroying Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem and throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories since the 1967 …

Letter to the Editor printed in the Santa Cruz Sentinel 5/29/21: Read More »

What is happening in my hometown of Sheikh Jarrah and the country as a whole?

I am Muna AlSheikh from Sheikh Jarrah, my father was born and raised in Sheikh Jarrah, I grew up in Jordan, digesting in my body and heart the impact of my parents’ stories about Jerusalem, and the ancestral stories about Palestine, pain accompanied me for long time and still does, as it accompanies many Palestinians. …

What is happening in my hometown of Sheikh Jarrah and the country as a whole? Read More »

RCNV Statement in Response to Murders in Atlanta and Boulder 3/26/2021

As the Resource Center for Nonviolence we pay attention to violence. Some of our antiracism book circles read Resmaa Menakem’s My Grandmother’s Hands, and consider the impact of violence and racialized trauma on our bodies, hearts, and minds.  Resmaa’s first encouragement is for each of us to stop, pay attention to our breathing, attend to …

RCNV Statement in Response to Murders in Atlanta and Boulder 3/26/2021 Read More »

Meredith March Against Fear- 54th Anniversary

Meredith March Against Fear 54th Anniversary Photo above by Bob Fitch, Stanford Library Archives On June 7th, 1966, James Meredith, who had integrated the University of Mississippi in 1962, began the March Against Fear; an attempt to walk from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi, (Photo at Jackson state capitol above) to promote black voter registration and defy …

Meredith March Against Fear- 54th Anniversary Read More »

RCNV’s response to the killing of George Floyd May 25, 2020

Justice will remain illusive unless we take an honest look at ourselves and how we are complicit in the perpetuation of racist ideas and actions within our lives and institutions. The senseless killing of George Floyd has devastated our community, nation and the world by laying bare the racist realities of People of Color yet …

RCNV’s response to the killing of George Floyd May 25, 2020 Read More »

RCNV Coronavirus Update to the Community

The RCNV facility at 612 Ocean Street in Santa Cruz, CA is temporarily closed to public events and meetings until Santa Cruz County health guidelines permit a step by step reopening. Listening to local and national health leaders, and the experience of RCNV Board President Jorge Mendez, who works with health centers, RCNV stopped public gatherings and …

RCNV Coronavirus Update to the Community Read More »


by Peter Klotz-Chamberlin, 1/7/20 The Resource Center for Nonviolence protests the assassination of top Iranian government leader Major General Qasem Soleimani by United States military forces. We encourage all organizations to join the local protest convened by Code Pink Saturday, January 25, 4:00 pm, at the Collateral Damage Statue / Town Clock, Santa Cruz. Protest alone is …


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